Tax Deferred Retirement Planning
Qualified retirement plans continues to be some of the best tools in our bag for helping clients build wealth on a tax-deferred basis. From Simple and Individual IRAs/401Ks to safe harbor 401Ks, defined contribution plans allow from moderate to significant contributions each year. Defined benefit plans when implemented in the right business situation can allow 5 – 10x the contribution level of defined contribution plans.
Employee Benefits Planning
“Employee benefits” is a broad phrase. It includes such legally mandated benefits as FICA and unemployment insurance. It also includes medical programs, life insurance plans, and disability coverage. Retirement plans, stock grant and option plans, both tax-qualified and nonqualified, are also employee benefits we can consult with you about.
Employee benefits planning seeks to minimize your cost for employee fringes while ensuring that your objectives in providing such benefits are accomplished. Employee benefits planning looks at the “big picture”, as it exists now and as it may appear in the future.
Employee benefits constitute a significant portion of every business’ overhead. And the cost of many benefits (medical coverage is but one example) has soared in recent years. Containing these costs is important to your profitability.
Yet, many employee benefits are perceived as an employee’s “right”. Recruiting and retaining qualified personnel would certainly be difficult without a competitive and reasonably comprehensive benefits package.
Our familiarity with various types of businesses and with employee benefits in general makes us uniquely qualified to assist you in your employee benefits planning.
Moreover, taxes are an important consideration with many employee benefits plans. Many significant changes have been made recently in the tax laws affecting employee benefits. Our knowledge and experience in the area of taxation are added reasons for securing our assistance in your benefits planning.